What was on TV November 21st through 27th, 1981

It's back to the real deal with TV Guide for this week in 1981.  The cover features John Lennon who had been assassinated just the year before in December.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What was on TV November 18th through 24th, 1979

Continuing my TV Guide marathon...  Wait a minute. This isn't TV Guide, but rather a knock-off from the local St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  These came in the weekend edition and just recently (a couple years ago) ceased publication.  One difference with Television Magazine versus TV Guide is Television Magazine began its schedule on Sunday's programming.  Anyway, here's Television Magazine from November 18th through 24th, 1979 with a cover graced by Big Bird.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's About Time I Reviewed a Book

Whenever I shop garage or estate sales, I always make it a point to stop and go through the books.  Occasionally, you'll find a rare or old one, but usually just a good read and that's generally all I'm looking for.

One genre I like to collect is children's books, mostly the Scholastic books and their ilk you bought via monthly flyers.  Memories of pouring over those mini catalogs and the excitement when the teacher would open the box of newly arrived orders are some of my favorite of elementary school.

I've had the idea of doing a review of some of the books I've found and read for some time and having just completed one found book recently, I thought now was the perfect opportunity.

Now, given that lead up, I'll bet your expecting a Scholastic book?  Nope, I'm throwing you a curve; maybe even a bean ball.  But the series of coincidences in finding the book along with its content make for an interesting tale.

Webster Groves is a suburb of St. Louis.  My grandparents lived there and I spent many weekends and holidays with them.  In their final years, they enjoyed going to the local library and I would go with them weekly.  Occasionally, I like to drop back in for a visit and a recent remodel gave me an incentive to see what had changed.

Walking in the front door, I scanned the books for sale, as I always do.  One title caught my eye and at first I mistook it for the similarly titled book by one of my favorite authors, Jack Finney.  But the book, "It's About Time", was instead written by Bernal C. Payne, Jr.  Judging by the poorly drawn cover and the corny title, I knew it had to be a time travel story.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What was on TV November 12th through 18th, 1977

Making good on my word, here's this week's TV Guide from this week in 1977.  This issue is a New York City edition.  I'm not sure how I came into possession of this, considering I live in St. Louis.

Anyway, the big television event this week was the broadcast premier of "The Godfather Saga", a reworked edit by Francis Ford Coppolla of "The Godfather" and "The Godfather Part II" with extended scenes and new material closing the gaps.  I have never seen any of these movies (insert gasp here).

Friday, November 8, 2013

Cool Drink Recipes

Sure, Summer's over, but drinks can be cool anytime of the year!

I found this in the basement bar of a house in Marlborough today.  The cover is what caught my eye.  Would you accept a drink from this woman?

She looks like she thinking in her best Jack Nicholson voice, "Wait'll he gets a load of these..."

I found this tucked inside.

They had me until the Chow Mein Noodles.

Anyway, enjoy these recipes and let me know if anyone tries them!

Magic Slate

I bought this for $1 at an estate sale a couple weekends ago.  I told my kids this was our generation's iPad.  It required no electricity or wifi and cost only 36 cents.  The only thing powering it was imagination.

A close cousin to the Etch-a-Sketch, this simple device required no knobs to turn, just a red plastic stylus (unfortunately lost on mine).  For those of you too young to remember these, it was simply a piece of gray plastic over a black waxy backing.  When drawn on with the provided magic pencil, a picture could be drawn.  To erase it, you simple lifted the paper and it was ready for another drawing.

Retro toy maker Schylling still sells their version of the Magic Slate and does oldtimecandy.

Monday, November 4, 2013

What was on TV November 3rd through 9th, 1979

As promised, I'm going to attempt to keep up with weekly TV Guide posts.  From 34 years ago, we find Mr. and Mrs. Hart on the cover.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Yes, Lucy.  Yes you did.