Sunday, September 25, 2016

Homemaking with a Flair 1970

"Homemaking with a flair" comes to us from the Fall of 1970. Just another booklet filled with expired coupons and dubious recipes. I don't know why people saved these. Maybe for the same reason I buy them.

Friday, September 23, 2016

If Your Child Fails to Grow Bigger, It's No Wonder

Today's pamphlet comes to us from the folks at Wonder Bread. Apparently, Fathers don't care how Wonder Bread helps his son (and let's face it, that's all we're worried about here.  Daughters should be weak and helpless) grow bigger and stronger.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Look What You Can Do...With Cottage Cheese!

The title of this pamphlet from Quality Dairy Products, a defunct dairy company here in St. Louis, hints that there were more of these pamphlets with different products following the ellipsis. 

What was on TV September 10th through 16th, 1977 - Fall Preview Issue

As I suspected, I have been less than productive in posting these Fall Preview issues. They're quite labor intensive with all the scanning and cropping, but I'll see if I can't get at least one more posted this season. Today's issue comes from 1977. Enjoy!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Jack and Jill September 1954

I picked up a small library of "Jack and Jill" magazines at an estate sale this past year. I've been meaning to scan some of them and just came across them again. So here's September with some of the pages I liked.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

TV Time '79

If I couldn't be watching TV when I was a kid, the next best thing was reading about it.  I used to buy these books from Scholastic Publications which detailed new and continuing shows as well as interviewed the stars from them.  Kind of like their version of the TV Guide Fall Preview issue.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

J. H. Waldeck Vienna Bakery & Confectionery

The annual Canterbury Manor subdivision sale was this weekend (always the weekend after Labor Day).  I've been going for at least 15 years and I always find something interesting. This year was no exception. I was at one sale and about leave after having bought a couple books when I noticed a box of old photographs. Looking through the photos, I found a few that piqued my interest.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

What was on TV September 10th through 16th, 1966 -- Fall Preview Issue

When I was a kid, Labor Day always signaled the end of Summer, despite the calendar's official date. It also heralded a return to school.  The only compensation for this time of year was of course the new Fall Season of television shows.  So much promise.  Today, we're going to take a look back 50 years ago at 1966.  1966 seems to be such a pivotal year of pop culture in music and television.  It brought us "Revolver", "Pet Sounds", "Sounds of Silence", "Star Trek"," Dark Shadows", "Batman" and "The Monkees".  On the other hand, musically we had Donovan's "Sunshine Superman", "J'Mapelle Barbra" and TV shows "Occasional Wife" and "It's About Time".  1966 was also notable for being the first all-color network prime-time season.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Whip

Ernie "The Whip" Bringier was a name unfamiliar to me before I found this record at the "fire sale" a few weeks ago.