Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Photo Finished

Warning: This post will not interest anyone outside of the 1970's St. Louis viewing area.

Are you still with me?  Okay. While perusing a tightly packed local estate sale, I observed an elderly gentleman walking through the house with a cane, casually watching the shoppers, but not really looking at anything.  I dismissed him as someone who was drug along to the sale unwillingly.  Having looked over the entire house and not finding anything of interest, I started to leave when I noticed some photos sitting on the table near the cashier.  They were pictures of the St. Louis Variety Club telethon. During the 70's and 80's, the Variety Club held an annual telethon and raised money for children with "physical and mental disabilities".  I recognized Monty Hall immediately. Based on the clothes, this is solid '70s.

Friday, September 15, 2017

What was on TV September 12th through 18th, 1981 -- Fall Preview Issue

It's time for another Fall Preview and we're jumping back into the TV of my childhood with this issue from 1981.  I always tell people, I didn't have friends as a child, I had television.  Actually, I've never told anyone that. It's too embarrassing.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What was on TV September 19th through 25th, 1964 The Fall Preview

Well, Fall is nearly upon us and you know what that means? Well, it means a lot of things, but as a kid, one of highlights was the new Fall Season on television.  Fasten your seatbelts because we're leaping WAY back to 1964 with this week's edition. The Beatles? Who are they? We want The Munsters! Enjoy.