Thursday, April 22, 2021

Button, Button

I recently found this sheet advertising "Fun Paks" of buttons made by the Badge-a-Minit company of LaSalle, Illinois.  These buttons would be sold on a display carousel in "high traffic retail locations".

It's a fun slice of 1970's humor.

Friday, April 2, 2021


It's time once again to dye and decorate the unborn children of our fowl feathered friends. Yes, I'm talking about Easter.

Tired of those cheap Paas tablets that turn your fingers all the colors of the rainbow?  Then might I suggest "The Decoregger" (as seen on TV! the '70's)

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fools

The joke isn't that you're squirted with water by what appears to be an everyday utilitarian item.  It's the fact that no kid today would even understand what this is supposed to be.

And what's even more amazing is that every guise this gag took, as demonstrated on the card back, is now an app on our phones.