Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thankgiving to my readers in the United States.  I thought I'd share some of my Thanksgiving-related finds from over the years.  No special story behind these, just things I liked and now use.  First up are some honeycomb decorations.  We had a Hallmark honeycomb turkey when I was a kid. It was our sole Thanksgiving decoration.  My sister and I would fight over assembling it.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Ghost at the Window: A Review

Last month during the Countdown to Halloween, I presented a handful of young adult books with a haunting theme and asked my readers to vote for one which  I would then review.

Well, after a whopping 3 votes (each for a different book), it was clear I would need to flip a coin.

And the winner is...Lady M with "Ghost at the Window"!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween 2021 Post-Mortem

Well, Halloween 2021 is permanently written.  No more decorating, just deconstruction.  My last Countdown to Halloween post has been posted (well, technically, this is the last).

Once again, I was able to dig up enough material for 31 days of fun, I hope you enjoyed. I'd say it seems like it gets harder every year, but to be honest, this year, though daunting at first, seemed like a breeze.

And that's how the month passed, with a breeze.  Here we are on November 1st and I'm posting my traditional post-mortem (By the way, that would make a great rival breakfast cereal for General Mills' Monster cereals:  Post Mortems).

So let's now look at how Garage Sale Finds (known as Stranger Finds this time of year) did this past month.

Total views for this month were 11,042.  Of course, it doesn't mean all of those were for the month of October posts.  It was a few thousand over an average month though, so the Countdown does definitely boost readership, if slightly.  Overall, readership has been lackluster, simply due to the severe decline in blog reading in general.  Most people turn to YouTube channels now for this form of entertainment.