Friday, January 20, 2023

Even More Glasses with Character

Way way back in 2011 and 2012, I wrote about some Pepsi character glasses I'd found.  Back then, I was paying a quarter a piece.  Those days are long gone.  I actually don't see the character glasses too often at sales and when I do, it's only one or two priced at $10 each.

Last month, I hit the motherlode of Pepsi character glasses at an estate sale.  I wish I'd gotten a photo of the glasses as they were staged at the sale as they were stacked up to 5 glasses high with duplicates. I almost went into catatonic shock.

While they were priced at $7/glass (which is still less than you pay in antique malls), there were some bargains (and one downright steal) in the mix.

I ended up with these.