Thursday, September 21, 2023

First Day Blues (and Reds and Yellows and Greens and Purples and ...)

 I'm still reminiscing about school days and every year when school starts up, I always reflect upon my own "dear old golden rule days" back in the 1970's.  Throw in this recent find, and I'm instantly transported back to my first day of school at Point Elementary in South St. Louis County, Missouri.

Friday, September 15, 2023

School Bus Memories

It's school time once again, and actually has been for the last few weeks.  I'm running a little behind on posts.

Anyway, it's school time once again, and school buses are on the streets.  This isn't one of those PSAs to advise you to watch for kids.  It's just a lead-in for one of my latest finds.

I went to at an estate sale of a former bus driver for a local elementary school last weekend.  There were lots of items that had clearly been given to him by his passengers through the years.  One that caught my eye was this Toy Bus Animal Crackers box.