Monday, July 19, 2010

Der Bingle

How could I pass this up?

Columbia Records from 1955. It's 33 1/3, although it's only called an LP, no mention of the RPM. I picked this up for 10 cents from the same estate sale as the Toy 'n Joy vending machines. It has the original Woolworth's price tag of 95 cents, so I saved 85 cents over 1955 prices!

I'm particularly fond of the couple in the upper left corner.

I can hear the photographer, "Okay, get close like you're gonna kiss, but not *too* close!"
The songs on this album are:
"Learn to Croon"
"Blue Prelude"
"Ridin' Around in the Rain"
"Just an Echo"
"The Last Round-Up"
None are Bing's signature songs and from listening, actually sound from very early in his career.

Apparently, this was just 1 of a number of House Party Series albums which are detailed here.

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