Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here's How -- Dewey's Triangle Liquor

Is it me, or does it seem like people don't throw parties like they used to? Sure, there's birthday parties, but none of those "Hey, let's get together, have some drinks and eat some dip and chips" parties TV lead me to believe adults partook in. You know, the ones where the kids would hover in the shadows watching undetected. Maybe they do and I'm just not invited.

Anyway, here's a relic of those days courtesy of Dewey's Triangle Liquor in El Dorado, Arkansas. "Here's How, The How-To Book of Home Entertainment". Dewey's is no longer at that address -- it's now Tony's Fashions:

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The only Dewey's Liquor I could find was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Maybe they moved:

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I don't imbibe, other than a little wine during the holidays, so let me know if you try any of the recipes in the book. And if there are any other sections you'd like to see scanned (see index), let me know.


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