Sunday, November 21, 2010

Music to My Ears

Here's another item that blurs the line of garage sale.  Okay, it's completely out of focus.  I didn't get it from a garage sale.  A co-worker gave it to me because he knows I like vintage electronics -- and more importantly, he knows I like "free".  This came from his father-in-law who recently moved to a residential care facility.  It's a Magnavox:

The needle was broken, but while cleaning it up, I found a spare, brand new, still in the packaging.

It works great.  I'm not quite sure of the era, although I would guess late 60's to early 70's.   I reminds me a lot of my mother's (which she still has), but hers was clearly a '70's piece with a lot of plastic faux wood and scarlet red speaker grills. 

I've been enjoying listening to Herb Alpert, Perry Como, Nat King Cole and Dean Martin.  I try to keep the records in the same era as the player.  Just wouldn't seem right listening to Huey Lewis on this. 

It's current residence is my basement as I already have a 1940's console radio in the living room.  I'm looking forward to playing some of my Christmas albums while setting up my aluminum Christmas tree next month.

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