Thursday, November 11, 2010

When It Rains, It Storms...

You see what I mean?  I went out last Saturday and hit a few estate sales.  One was picked clean as it was in its second week and the items were down to one room.  But sitting in that room was yet another Kodak Carousel slide projector and 6 or 7 carousel wheels of slides.  Plus a screen.  The entire package was marked $5.  After quickly looking through the boxes, I determined they were indeed full of slides.  When I bought it, the man running the sale said the slides were commercial slides of places like Rome.  I was a little disappointed to hear that as I am always looking for vintage home life and travel shots.  He made a comment that he never understood how people could sell their family slides.  I nodded in agreement.

After taking them home and testing out the projector (it works), I put a tray in and watched.  I was happy to find they weren't commercial slides, but family slides from the early to late '60's.  Below is a sampling.  First up, Easter, 1963:

Note she's riding a tiny skateboard:

Here the family visits Mackinac Island, a favorite of mine:

And finally, some random pictures of unidentified places:



More to come later.  Again, sorry for any blurriness.  My kingdom for a slide scanner!


  1. wow, fantastic. and you have SEVEN carousels? you know, the Epson Perfection is the scanner i have ( and it comes with a slide scanning attachment thingy. it's how i scanned a lot of family photos when i was out there last. at about $80, it's worth looking into.

  2. Thanks, Frank, I'll look into that. Hate to buy a whole new scanner as my Canoscan does a great job, just not slides! I've seen some small slide-only scanners for about $40, but I don't know how well they work.
