Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter, Horseyfoot!

It's time for more of Charlotte's scrapbook.  This time in honor of tomorrow, it's Easter cards.  First up is a card from Charlotte (or Horseyfoot, her husband Gene's pet name for her) to Gene.  It's dated 1941 and the ears armade from something like flattened pipecleaners:

From Florence &Bill & Mum.  1944:

Another from 1944.  This one signed by Betty and Charlotte, alias "Shorty":

This door opens on this one to reveal the ducklings inside:

And finally, a missal from St. Peters Evangelical and Reformed Church dated April 13th, 1941.  Less than 8 months until Pearl Harbor was attacked:

The church still stands, but is now St. Joseph Missionary Baptist. 

It's at the corner of St. Louis Avenue and Lucas and Hunt road. This makes sense since Gene owned a garage on Lucas and Hunt.  And just looking now, I find they are in fact right next door to each other.  Thanks Google Street View!

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