Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Old Golden Rule Days

With the last day of school upon us, I'm reaching back into Charlotte's scrapbook for a look at elementary school of the 1920's and '30's.  Specifically, that day dreaded by all children: report card day.  Although, it looks like Charlotte did okay, earning A's and B's and even receiving a "Notification of Meritorious Work".  Charlotte attended the old Oakville School located in Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.  All cards are signed by her father, Charles Krejci, at least I'm assuming they are.  With those grades, she had no reason to forge her parents' signatures like I used to.

3rd Grade

4th Grade.  
This year, the teacher went with a letter-grade.  E's and G's.  Explanation of the grades is on the back of the card.
5th Grade.  
Apparently, Charlotte had a "condition" and missed the entire 4th quarter.  And back to numeric grades.

6th Grade.  
A healthy year with only 1/2 day absent.

"Parents should note carefully the standing of the child" with 08 noted above it.
7th Grade

8th Grade. Stamped "Diploma".

 Charlotte moved on to Hancock High School, but I found no report cards, just this commendation:

Graduation Cards

A handwritten Graduation Program.  It appears they put on a play.  The play was "Forest Acres" by Fannie Barnett Linsky.  The internet describes it as a "comedy in 3 acts".  This speaks of the common use of plays in high school graduations in the 1920's.  You can buy the book on Amazon. Whoever wrote the program down accidentally wrote "Catherine Reiser" as playing daughter Elizabeth Crockett who was already playing Mrs. Crockett.  Charlotte's name has been pencilled in.

I hope Charlotte had some good summers.


  1. i only know of one of my grade school report cards that still exists in the world, and i have it. it's so interesting to see such a large portion of charlotte's life summarized this way. i wonder what she'd think?

  2. Well, she'd probably be horrified that her personal notes and cards were made public to the world, but I would hope she'd also appreciate that they've found a home and were thought to be of such interest.

  3. Hi, I love the pictures of the old report cards! I work for a software company that works with schools and I'd love to use one or two of the report card images in one of our videos. Do you mind?



    1. I don't mind at all. Help yourself. I'd love to see how you put them to use!

