Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome to Manned Space Exploration! Exploration! Exploration! Exploration!

I bought this 45 along with the previously posted "You Belong in a Dodge" record.  It appeared to just be a standard children's record on space, but I liked the label so I bought it.  As it turns out, it was a promotional item that came with the original G. I. Joe Mercury space capsule toy released in 1966.  The record is pretty scratched up, but I was able to rip the tracks to mp3. 

You can listen to side 1 here and side 2 here.
At first I thought the skip on side 1 at 0:58 was for dramatic purposes...until it wouldn't stop, so I had to bump the needle a little.

I paid a dime for the record and sold it on eBay for $16.  The person who bought it was giving it to a friend for his birthday along with an original G. I.  Joe Mercury space capsule.  Record and toy reunited once again.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you sold it to someone who was giving it as a gift along with the original toy to someone who presumably was thrilled by both. the record is interesting. so educational! i am not sure today's kids would put up with it. not entertaining enough!
