Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Windows to the Past or Time for Slides Again

I was going through my garage sale folders and came across the collection of slides I bought last summer.  I haven't posted these yet, so, here they are, in no particular order and absent of witty comments.  Oh, I'll make comments, they just won't be particularly witty.  I'm no Charles Phoenix, but I think there are some great scenes here.  Think of me as that annoying relative that invites your over to look at their slides.

Okay, I said no witty comments, and I won't.  This isn't witty at all.  Just an observation that there are some clear family dynamics going on in these following 3 pictures.  I say he's just married into the family and it's his first Christmas with the in-laws.  See how he doesn't merit a seat on the couch?

After they got to know him a little better, they did let him take Uncle Harold's spot.  These two are clearly a couple, what with the matching clothes, but look at that distance separating them!  That marriage couldn't have lasted.

Here's he's been relegated to the rear in the dark.

Who's this sleeping on the couch?

Guess it was a little hot for that sweater.

Scrappy!  Stop that!  Stop that now!!!!

Scrappy's at it again.

It took a bit to figure out where this as, but it has to be Gatlinburg, Tennesee.  I wonder whatever happened to the Buffeteria.

I like this kid's outfits.

Some early Grant's Farm slides.

And finally.  I don't know where this is, but I want to be there.


  1. the house in the first few shots is amazing -- midcentury stuff makes me drool! but you saved the best slide for last: i don't know where that place is, but there's a real old coffee shop/greasy spoon in san francisco that we love to go to called "It's Tops," but it doesn't look anything like that. it's a hole in the wall type place, a local's favorite, i think: http://www.itstopscoffeeshop.com/. this review has a better shot of the inside http://tinyurl.com/4xf2tbu. that's almost the entire place, honest.

  2. That house is in Kirkwood, MO (based on the label on the box it came in). I have some other Midcentury house shots I will share in the future.
