Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Wisdom

This was among the stack of children's magazines I acquired a few months ago.  The same stack as the Jack and Jill from October.

This is Wee Wisdom, November 1947 issue.  The cover shows the gang coming over for a game of football (or possibly picking the boy up) while the neighbor's dog looks on.

Monday, November 28, 2011

And How!

Here's my last minute desperate attempt at having at least one post in all of November!  I can't believe my last posting was Halloween.

Anyway, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and the Native American (okay, it's a bit of a stretch), I present a children's magazine from 1951 called "Here's How", a how-to guide for kids on subjects ranging from costumes to games to musical instruments.  Some of the projects would be deemed too dangerous for kids these days (oil drum fireplace, I'm looking at you!).

On this page, I learned the name for a Native American's loin cloth is a "clout".  I wonder how that relates to "having clout".

As indicated on the cover, this particular magazine belonged to Anna Meyer.  I picked this magazine up at an estate sale in Oakville a couple Saturdays ago.  In the garage, I saw this mural:

The resolution isn't the best, but you may be able to make out "July 31 1975 Anna" on the right side of the frame.  That means this book was already at least 24 years old before Anna received it (and a few more given the fact Anna wrote her name on the cover!)  I was a little perplexed by Anna's garage/nursery.  I wonder if they ran out of room by the time Anna came along.