Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fröhliche Weihnachten

I came across these in a huge lot of other post cards at an estate sale this past Summer.  Evidently, the person was a collector.  I dug out my favorites.  The fact that the majority are written on and postmarked adds to the attraction for me.  I find it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there ever was a 2 a.m. of December 24th, 1908, as one of them is stamped.  I was also impressed that presumably these arrived in time for Christmas, despite some of them being postmarked as late as 5:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve.

The postcards were all sent to the same family at 2517 N. Market St., St. Louis, MO which is just north of downtown St. Louis and is apparently sketchy enough to keep even the Google-vagen away as I couldn't find a streetview of the address.  The best I could do was a look down the street:

I've transcribed the messages that are harder to read.

In the upper left corner:
"My Kindest wishes to all for a Merry Christmas my Kindest regards to your Mother, Julia"

In the main body:
"Christmas 1908.  My Dear, Wishing you a Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year, Your Friend, Julia"

At bottom:
"to Harry & Eddie Grossman from their friend Julia"
 "Christmas 1908  Well Boys I know Santa will remember you two good boys as good boys are always remembered. Your Friend Julia."

"A Merry Xmas and A Bright and Happy New Year to you from Rev. & Mrs. Eschandy (?) Cambria, WI R.R. 1"

 "To wish you A Merry Xmas & Happy New Year.  How are you?  It has been so long since I have seen you.  Lovingly, Katherine Fromsug (?) 2642 S. California Ave.

I had a little more luck with that address:

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