Sunday, August 26, 2012

Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?

I went to an estate sale off of Yaeger Road , west of Milburn, yesterday.  After gathering a few items and while approching the checkout, I saw this on a table:
The Golden Floral Album.  It's a memory or autograph book.  Flipping through it, the age struck me and I was drawn to it.  It was marked at $15 and  Saturday being 1/2 off day, I bought it for $7.50.  A little steep, but I thought it was fascinating. 

The book belonged to Leo Herman of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri and was autographed mainly in the Spring of 1883.  From what investigative work I could do using the 1880 census, He was born October 27th, 1867.  His mother remarried when he was very young, around 2 years of age, to Leon Jokerst who may have renamed him Leon, or the similar names were simply a coincidence.  He apparently kept his paternal last name Herman.

I will transcribe what is written, but most is clearly legible in the larger scans.  Where I've tracked down the signer, I've linked to their entry in the 1880 census:

To Leo
If scribbling in albums
Remembrance secures
With the greatest of pleasure
I'll scribble in yours
Your Friend
March 19, 1883

In memory's golden chain
May one link bare my name
April 1, 1883

This was possibly his step-sister Mary whom I've linked to above.

"A truer, nobler, trustier heart,
More loving, or more loyal, never beat
Within a human breast."
From a noble Friend
March 9th, 1883

The quotes on that one sent me on a Google search thinking it must be a quote, and it is.  It is from Lord Byron's short play "The Two Foscari".

To Leo
While musing on life and its pleasures
And thinking of friends fond and true
May I hope as I gather its treasures
My name may be thought of by you.
Your friend
Melanie E Bogy
Ste Genevieve Mo
March 6th, /83
While the 1880 census lists her as Melanie P. Bogy, I believe that's an error as she is listed in the 1900 census living in the same household as Melanie E.
Your Friend
Ste. Genevieve Mo.
April 20th 1883

Annie did her own drawing of a budding rose, rejecting the provided stickers.

To Leo
If through life you meet with sorrow
And the world should seem to frowwn (sic)
Remember thorns not roses
Composed our Saviour's crown
Your friend
Ste. Genevieve Mo
March 6, 1883

The 1880 census spells her name "Eleanore".  It looks like an "o" to me.

Mamie Flynn
St Genevieve Mo
April 14 1883

I could find no mention of Mamie (or any Flynns for that matter) in the 1880 census.

To Leo.
May you always be happy
Is the wish of your friend
March 19, 1883

This was probably Louisa Naumann.

To Leo
May the wing of our friendship
Never lose a feather.
Your true friend
C. Le C.(?)

To Leo
May all your years
In joy be passed
And each prove happier
Than the last.
Your friend
Annie Burch
Ste. Genevieve, Mo
Apr 8, 1883

"A single line is enough for memory."
Your friend
 This time Googling the quote brought back nothing, so it must be a Mary Bogy original.

Herman be nimble, Herman be quick
And always avoid the patter of the stick
Your Friend
April 1st, 1883
Lizzie was Leo's step-aunt who lived with the family.

Ever Your friend
Feb. 20, 1887

It's anybody's guess who Phil was.  Way to fade into history, Phil!

Your friend

Zoe's entry is of special interest, as she would become much more than a friend to Leo.  They were married on October 26, 1892.

From the Ste. Genevieve newspaper Fair Play, Octboer 29, 1892 edition:

Miss Zoe Ziegler and Mr. Leon Herman were married at the residence of the bride’s mother about two miles from Ste. Genevieve last Wednesday evening, October 26, Rev. Father Ziegler of St. Louis performing the ceremony. The wedding was very private, only the immediate relatives being invited. A reception was held on Thursday afternoon. The Fair Play extends congratulations and wishes for them a life of happiness.

Interestingly enough, that marriage almost didn't happen due to Zoe's close call with a runaway wagon.  As reported in the December 1st, 1888 edition of Fair Play:

Serious Runaway Accident. 
At about ten o’clock on Tuesday morning last, as Miss Zoe Ziegler, daughter of Mrs. Pelagie Ziegler, of New Bourbon, was setting out from home in her road cart to dispose of some butter and other farm produce and to spend the day in this city, she met with an almost fatal accident. About a quarter of a mile from her house several young colts came suddenly trotting behind her vehicle and scared the horse she was driving so that it dashed off at full speed. The plucky young lady held firmly to the reins but as the road led through a wood, she could not manage to guide the horse safely, and the wheel soon struck a stump, overturning the cart and dashing its young occupant violently on the ground, where she lay insensible. The horse rushed madly on till the vehicle struck a tree and was shattered, when the frightened animal broke loose and rushed through the woods homeward. Considerably over an hour afterwards, as Mr. James Pinkley was passing by the Ziegler place, he noticed the horse standing near the barn with its harness hanging loosely about it, so he made inquiry at the residence, and thus the accident was discovered.

Accompanied by Miss Ziegler’s brother, Clay, he set out on a search which resulted in finding the young lady lying partially insensible where she had fallen and where she had remained for nearly two hours. Conveying her home, she was placed under the tender care of her distracted mother and sisters who, at first, feared that she was dead. Dr Lanning having been sent for, he examined her injuries carefully, and found that she was bruised and shaken up considerably, and her right clavicle, or collar bone, broken. This he set and though the patient was partially insensible from the shock of the fall during the remainder of the day, and suffered much pain we are glad to be able to state hat she has received no permanent injury, and is gradually recovering.
Leo had a similar incident earlier in the year which received a much more lighthearted write up in the May 19, 1888 edition:

On Sunday last a jolly crowd of young Ste. Genevieveans, composed of George Lawrence, Leon Herman, John Okenfuss, Willie Cox, Edward Huber, Henry Roy, Martin Thomure, Nick Jokerst and Henry Bauman, took a trip to the Copper Mines in a three-seated spring wagon. As they were on the way to Joe Vaeth’s from the Copper mines, all of a sudden there came a crashing sound and in two seconds more the jolly nine were crawling on the road like tumblebugs. After having walked four miles they succeeded in borrowing a wagon after all their good luck and reached home in safety.

Leo and Zoe had 2 daughters.  Zoe died August 25th, 1941.  Leo passed over 13 years later on December 21st, 1954.    They are buried together at Valle Spring Cemetery in St. Genevieve.