Saturday, January 12, 2013

Keep On Keep On Keep On Keep On Thriftin' All Through the Night

First, let me get something off my chest.  When I started this blog, I intended to blog solely about my garage sale finds, hence the name of the blog.  But garage sales tend to peter out around October here in St. Louis and don't start up again until sometime in May (with some exceptions of course).  I supplement my urges with estate sales, thrift stores and even antique malls.  So from here out, if I find an interesting item from anywhere at a garage sale price, it's fair game.  Hey, it's my blog!

Now, let me get something else off my chest.  I'm an unabashed Brady Bunch fan.  I watched them as a kid and I watch them as an adult.  My kids watch them.  We love the Brady Bunch.  So when I found this album at a thrift store for $1, there was no question.

"The Brady Kids" was a Saturday morning cartoon made by Filmation that ran from 1972 to 1973.  The cover art of this album showcases depictions of the Brady Kids from that show.  There are a couple songs on the album from the live action television "Brady Bunch" along with quite a few covers.

I love the pictograph puzzles on the cover and back of the jacket.  Bobby sports a black eye, possibly a gift from Buddy Hinton.

Stuck to the plastic covering the album is this sticker.

I'm assuming "Uncle Jim" was trying to unload these from his discontinued record album bin.  Note the notch in the upper left corner of the front cover.  Remember those?  I'm not sure who Uncle Jim O'Neal was.  There's an Uncle Jim O'Neal record company that produces Bluegrass music and there also appears to be a record store in California with that name.  I'm not sure if they're related, but I'm guessing the latter is where this came from.

Side 1 Tracks

Side 2 Tracks

We've all heard the Brady Kids sing "Sunshine Day" and "Keep On", but have you heard them sing "Love Me Do" and "Saturday in the Park" or best of all Marcia, Marcia, Marcia singing "Ben, Ben, Ben"?  Of course you haven't.  But you will now.  Enjoy!

1. Love Me Do


  1. Oh no, I can't un-hear it! You would think that back in the 70's it was a law that all songs must be comprised of trumpets.

  2. Uncle Jim O'Neal was running his Rural Rhythm Records from 1955 until he died of cancer in 1982. His RR records (including bonus records from various budget labels) was sold by his mail order company in Arcadia, CA.
