Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Very Cool Midcentury Estate Sale

Today was the annual Canterbury Place Subdivision sale in Affton.  It's been a tradition to attend it for at least the past 10 years.  While it isn't a grandiose as it once once, it still delivers great finds and today was no exception.  Now to be fair, this estate sale was actually in the subdivision next to Canterbury Place, Saxon Manor.  At one time, Saxon Manor also held it's subdivision-wide sale on the same day and you could spend the entire day roaming the joined neighborhoods.

At one time, garage sales were a good source for midcentury items, but as that generation ages, sadly the best source has become estate sales.  This sale was private, so the prices were reasonable and the crowd was low.  Here are a few of the finds I made (and a few I had to let go).

First up is this fun Danish Modern barware set. Labeled E60 St Park Ave, it features a mixing spoon, a garnish fork, bottle opener and ice tongs.  Oh, and a fine gentleman complete with top hat and cane dru...ahem...sleeping in a rubbish basket.  He was priced at $1.

I'm assuming the name is in reference to the New York location.  Not sure what the connection would be.

Next up is this fabulous WMF-Ikora candy dish.  It was another $1.

We paid $5 for this nice chip and dip set.

This magazine rack was $3.  A great place to put my vintage Better Homes & Gardens magazines.

This wall sconce was behind the bar (more on that later) in the basement.  It was quite an ordeal disconnecting them.  Not only were they mounted to the wall, the cord was stapled to the underside of a shelf and the plug wouldn't fit through the shelf.  I had to cut (don't worry, they already had previously been cut) the wires to get it out.  At $10, it was a little more than I wanted to spend, but I'd gotten so many other bargains from them, I didn't care.

Finally, a new percolator!  It's a General Electric model 48P40.  $1. Hey, any tips for taking a decent picture of chrome???

I found a few vintage Christmas items that I'll be proudly displaying in a few short months.  $1 for the pair. Funny story about the tree, after being in the basement, I came back upstairs to drop off a few items, I saw it sitting by the cashier.  I asked about it and they said it was already taken.  Fortunately, it was taken by my wife who had already snagged it.  She knows what I like.

 This vintage Styrofoam Santa head came in a vintage Sears Christmas box.  Another $1. 

And now, literally the coolest item we found, a Delmonico bar refrigerator.  This would look fantastic in someone's glamper.  It was $10.  The owner's son told us it was where his dad kept his beer.  It was behind the bar in the basement.  Yes, yes, more on that later.

We plan on using this on our deck for special occasions.

It has a little freezer with it's own ice tray.

Made in Italy.  Very strange.

And now the most disappointing find.  A vintage Japanese Panasonic mini turntable, model Rd-7433.  Disappointing, because it doesn't work.  But I vow I will make it work!  $3.

These were strung up behind the bar.  I know, I know, I'm getting to it!  $1.

Okay.  The bar.  Here's one of the items I had to leave behind.  I really wanted it this, but it was $500 with the bar stools.  I'm sure it was worth it, but I really have no place to put it.  I apologize for the poor lighting, but it was a dark basement and my cell phone has no flash!

And the other item I had to leave behind.  A working 1958 Silvertone console radio.  It was $200.  Again, probably worth it, but I'm running out of room for vintage stereos and TVs!

The sale continues tomorrow.  I'm half-tempted to go back to see if they're ready to make a deal.


  1. whoops - not sure how i missed this post, other than it was the week we got back from burning man, and i was in a fog of readjustment back to the humdrum routine. SO MUCH COOL BAR STUFF.... i can't process it all. i wish the bar pix were better (i know, i know...) but it looked like a cool piece. hey, at least you got the other great stuff. and that FRIDGE, zomg... i've never seen the like.

  2. > i wish the bar pix were better
    Yeah, me too. I think the owners were already a little perturbed with me for moving all of their lamps around it to get what lighting I did have. It looked pretty much like this, but with a faux wood-grained top:

    The chairs in front matched each of the front colored panels.

    >and that FRIDGE

    And it works great. Cools down quickly. Of course, the lights dim when it kicks in!
