Sunday, October 13, 2013

Halloween Monster Fun Find

It's always fun to find something extra in the items I buy at garage and estate sales.  Usually, I find them in in books, entrapped for years in the dark of the pages.  It might be a pressed flower, a four-leaf clover, lost love notes or even hidden tardy slips.  Over the summer I even found two $2 bills tucked inside a CB jargon book.

I was at an estate sale a couple of weeks back and found a few Halloween records.  One was "Sounds to Make You Shiver" by Pickwick Records published in 1974.

I already had 2 copies of this record, but I make it a point to grab any Halloween-themed records I find. That way you can match up the best record with the best sleeve, etc.

When I pulled the sleeve and record out at home, I noticed something just barely sticking out of the sleeve.  Pulling it out, I discovered it was this:

Looking inside the sleeve, I found 3 more:

Around Halloween of 1977, Burger Chef released 6 Monster Fun Record flexi-discs as a premium with their Funmeal.  The records were vocal stories of Burger Chef & Jeff helping the monstrous residents of their world in solving their problems.  To be honest, it was mostly Burger Chef solving the problems; Jeff mainly stood around saying, "Incrediburgible, Burger Chef!".  Featuring a cast with such names as Cackelburger, Crankenburger, Wolfburger, and Fangburger, The Burger Chef family tree would appear to be slightly ingrown.

The records were a set of 6.  I just happened to already have the two that weren't in the sleeve.

I actually had "The Ghost of Grizzly Mountain" as a child.  Burger Chef was one of the few places my family would go for fast food and I have great memories of eating there (you might have guessed given my blog avatar).

Being certain someone out in the ether had already ripped these tracks, I was going to include links to them. I couldn't find a definitive location for a collection of all tracks, so I set out to remedy that.  Below are rips from my personal collection.  Enjoy and have an Incrediburgible Halloween!  


  1. That's awesome! Sounds to Make You Shiver is my favorite Halloween record. And thanks for the Burger Chef records. I don't think I've heard them before.

  2. You're welcome, Erick, and enjoy!

  3. the links are dead could you e-mail me these files i used to have the yellow record ..
    i have fond memories of burger chef from my childhood i wish burger chef could return !

    1. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to republish those. I'll email you the mp3s in the meantime.

    2. links website is no more.could you e-mail me these files Thank You and love the old TV Guides,

    3. Emailed to you, Ronbo. Thanks for the reminder. Looks like I need to move them again.

  4. Hello Tom, Just discovered your blog and love it. I grew up in Tulsa and we had Burger Chef restaurants too, and I have very fond memories of eating there as a kid. I'm a big time Halloween fan and collector; mostly of music but decorations also. Would it be possible to get copies of these incredible records? I can trade if there is anything you are seeking. By 1977, when these records came out, I was in college and not aware of them — until today! You can reach me at siys(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Siys, thanks for the comments. I sent you an email.

  5. Thank you so much!!! I had at least one of these as a kid... pretty sure it was Ghost of Grizzly Mountain. I've been looking for a place to listen to it again. This made my day!

    1. You're welcome and glad you enjoyed, HF.

  6. I have four of them, I don't have the Black one
