Monday, December 23, 2013

Season's Greetings

I was finishing up writing my Christmas cards this year and noted how few I'd received the previous year.  With the advent of the internet and constant contact through texting, emails and social media, the art of sending Christmas cards is definitely declining, and I think that's sad.  While I can appreciate how much closer people are today with these new tools at their disposal, the idea of sitting down and taking the time to write a personal note on a Christmas card is one I hate to see fade away.

At an estate sale this past Summer, I found a scrapbook in which the owner had pasted Christmas cards she had received over the years.  These probably date from the 1940's or 1950's.

I found this card separately at another sale.  Santa's beard is made of feathers.

How about it?  Did anyone else send Christmas cards this year?

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