Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What was on TV January 7th through 13th, 1978

The holidays are officially over and with snow piled a foot outside my door what else is there to do but take another trip down TV memory lane.  This week it's January 1978 featuring the Happy Days gang.

Shirley Temple movies are another series kids today will never see.  My mom is Shirley's age and always related to her so we always watched them.

This Saturday morning lineup is a mystery to me.  Superwitch?  Bang-Shang Lalapalooza? Skatebirds? C.B. Bears?  Muhammad Ali?  It's like I was in a coma for a year and didn't watch Saturday morning TV.  There was a year my mom changed grocery shopping to Saturday mornings.  I'm guessing this has to be when it was.  It was the only time I missed a Saturday morning marathon.  Oh, who am I kidding.  It was an entire Saturday day marathon.

Wait'll you see what they do with the Leaf Blower!

The only scene I  remember from watching "Cry of the Penguins" is the where John Hurt is crying out at the Skuas that are attacking the penguin eggs, "Leave my chicks alone!"

For all of it's praise (and these are prominent sources such as The New Yorker and Newsweek), I've never heard of "Nashville".  Karen Black always looked cross-eyed to me.

Kiss?  Hyped?  Nahhhh.

If you saw most of today's newscasters looking at a film reel, it would be because they had no idea what it was.

Yes you are.  Okay, I know I've used that joke before.

I don't recall this, but it looks like Hanna-Barbara was trying to move in on the Disney on Ice action.

"Mr. Happiness doesn't knock on your door."  That's right, he kicks it in and forces happiness upon you!  YOU WILL BE HAPPY, POTSIE!

I remember watching the premiere of the new Laugh-in and thinking it should have been funnier.  I mean, Wayland Flowers and Madame???  (This is where I anger all of the Wayland Flowers and Madame fans).

That's all for TV this week.  See you next time.


  1. how can you hate wayland flowers and madame?? (half-joking)

    also, "nashville" really is good - widely considered to be robert altman's best movie, and it was selected for preservation in the national film archives. honest.

    1. >how can you hate wayland flowers and madame?? (half-joking)

      Hate's a strong word. The old lady puppet just kind of creeped me out.

      Odd, but I've never heard of "Nashville". Sounds like it was a pretty popular film at the time. Of course, I was only 8, so what did I know?
