Sunday, February 9, 2014

Flintstones! Meet the Beatles!

Given this is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, I was trying to come up with a Beatles-related Garage Sale Find.  I've picked up a few of their albums over the years, but there's really very little to say about that.  Then I remembered this piece I picked up about 10 years ago.

It's a metal Flinstone's target.  The kind you shoot those suction-cup tipped darts at.  I know, you're asking, what does that have to do with the Beatles?  Well, it's what I found on the back of the dartboard written in purple crayon:

Karen was an indecisive little girl.  But she knew the Flintstones could no longer compete.  Not when you could choose between the "Cute One" or the "Funny One".

I wonder if she ever made up her mind.


  1. eerily, paul and ringo are the only two surviving beatles. karen was prescient.
