Saturday, February 22, 2014


I'm in the process of shaking off the flu, but I still found the strength and an opportunity to run to an estate sale today.  As long-time followers of this blog might know, I'm a sucker for appliances, particularly toasters and coffee makers.  Modern appliances just lack style.

I found this "Tricolator" 42-cup coffee maker at a sale in Affton today.  I loved the design and it's brushed aluminum skin.  It's hard to see in the pictures, but it's gold-toned.  It stands a collasal 21 inches tall.

The base and lid are aluminum with a faux wood finish.  The handles and lid knob are real wood.

I love the offset lettering.

Google is pretty tight-lipped about Tricolator.  I couldn't find any information on when this was produced, but clearly from of the 1960's.

Now I need to find a home for my old coffee maker.  Always sad to let one go, but you have to make room for the next model.  I mean, how many multi-cup coffee makers do you really need?

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