Saturday, February 15, 2014

No Gilliland is an Island

As Valentine's Day passes, let us keep in mind those whom Cupid's arrows have missed; those souls seeking unsuccessfully, perhaps even futily, a mate.

I found these postcards this past summer among a collection previously owned by Frances Julian of Easley, South Carolina  They were sent by James Gilliland Couch from Camp Croft in South Carolina and Fort Bliss, Texas during 1945 and '46.

I'm not sure what James' (actually, he goes by his middle name, Gilliland) intentions were toward Frances, but if he was seeking romance, he did it quite awkwardly.

I've transcribed the postcards, misspellings and all, below.

Hello Francis,
Up town going to the show
your Buddy,

Write me

Hello Francis,
why don't you write me some time
your Buddy

To Ellen
10 B.T.

This is the only time he mentions "Ellen".  I'm not sure what the cryptic note is ("I Love You, Ellen"?  Was Gilliland two-timing Frances?)

Hello Frances
Hop you are haveing a big time Now that school out be perrty like me
your Buddy

Hello Frances
your hair sure look good now.
hope to see you soon.
your Buddy,

p.s. did you go to the show today?

Hello Frances
Bet you glad school out have a big time and see lots of show. and be good.

your Buddy 

Hello Frances
How do you like this Rabbit
a lots of them out west
be perrty for me
your Buddy

10 b.t.

Hello Frances
I am o.k. hop you like the shows Saturday.
like to be with you today
your Buddy

Hello Frances
Could you peel a few for me
Ha Ha
see you soon
be perrty like
your buddy

Hello Frances
Hop you had a big time last night.
see you soon.
be perrty like me
your Buddy

These were the only postcards from Gilliland in Frances' collection who eventually became Mrs. Frances Koehler.

Sadly, it appears Gilliland passed alone in this world.

"Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy.  Even love unreturned has its rainbow."J.M. Barrie, "The Little Minister"

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