Saturday, June 7, 2014

Household How-To-Do-Its

I picked up this booklet, among other ephemera, for a dime at an estate sale.  I'm a sucker for these kind of booklets.  And some of the hints are still pretty handy.  It was published by Yellow Pages.  We just had a Yellow Pages, sorry "YP", dropped off at our house this week.  This booklet is almost as big as it was.

The Yellow Pages "Know-It-Owl"

Apparently, "Johnny on the Spot" had  a whole different meaning back then.  

Wind your yarn around a mothball to prevent moth attacks.  And give your newly knitted sweater that "grandma's house" smell.

People actually dusted their mattress coil springs?  Man, I'm rethinking this whole wish to time travel to the past thing.

To soften butter quickly, place a warmed bowl over it?  Why not just stick in the microwave for 15 seconds? What? No microwaves? Okay, forget it.  Time travel is out.

I'm a bit of a popcorn connoisseur, I'm going to have to put that "refrigerate popcorn" trick to the test.

Polishing between the fork tines?  Madness!

The skin is the best part of paint. Or am I thinking of chocolate pudding?

Using perfectly good bread to prevent cake from drying out and wasting a potato for displaying flowers?  And these people called themselves frugal?

Meat grinder "squirm" and "leak".  Two concerns the modern homeowner no longer finds needing attention.

Perhaps frequent commenter of this blog FrankO should employ the lamp shade mount for his vacuum coffee pots to avoid breakage.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post and blog! :)

    Do you want to follow each other? :)
