Thursday, June 19, 2014

Stick This in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

One of the vices I've tossed around and considered starting (not that I need another one), is pipe smoking.  My grandfather smoked a pipe and the smell of tobacco brings back memories of him.  It also seems so dang classy.

I found this full bag (emptied for scanning purposes) of Rochester Perfect Pipe Cleaners at an estate sale last week.  The 19 cent price tag and New York postal code "7" puts this probably in the 1940's or 50's.


  1. Fairly certain Ward Cleaver smoked a pipe, usually later on in the evening, on a warm summer's twilight, out on the front porch with a tall glass of fresh squeezed lemonade.

    1. That June brought to him in her apron. How do you know my fantasies?! Get out of my head!

  2. bah, i've smoked a pipe. aside from the scent of the tobacco, it's just as wretched as cigarettes. don't do it.

    1. Maybe I'll just light it and let it burn.
