Monday, October 13, 2014

Hairy & Scary

Welcome to my 13th post on the Countdown to Halloween!  On this Monday the 13th (cue lightning and wolf howls) I present a couple masks I found at the Mendel Riley estate sale.  They're from the Ben Cooper "Hairy & Scary" line.

There is another mask of some notoriety from this same line that was clearly intended to capitalize on the Kiss craze of the late 1970's (sadly, the mask below isn't mine).

Image courtesy of eBay

I'm not sure how Ben Cooper didn't get sued by Gene Simmons.


  1. There's nothing like the Ben Cooper stuff, works of art!

  2. Wow! Definitely had something similar to that first one in the 80s! Makes me miss Guising / Trick or Treating..

    We didn't even get any kids round this year...parents seem to be just taking them to Halloween parties in this neck of the woods rather then sending them out hunting for candy...a real shame!

    1. Yes, Trunk and Treats are the enemies of the true spirit of Halloween. We still managed to get about 70 kids despite the chilly temperatures.

  3. The second mask is the costume I had when I was a kid, it was always called the "hairy scary mask" and I never knew apparently it's because it was the style by the Ben Cooper company. This mask scared the living shit out my little brother when he was about 4 years old, we actually have a photo of this shit scaring in action. My sister Angela has to find this..unless I have it.

    This vintage costume was offered for sale recently by a seller in Australia I think, who was asking over $130 for it. The nostalgia buff in me wanted this just to have it cuz I searched for this ugly ass thing for YEARS cuz no one and I do mean no one knew what I was talking about when I asked if they ever heard of it.

    1. Great story, Grace. I'd love to see the photo!
