Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween -- It's My Bag, Baby Part 2

Vintage Halloween collectibles are soaring in price every year, so I consider myself fortunate whenever I manage to find one.

This Flavour Candy Co. candy bag/puppet was a find from this past summer.  It was inside a bag of other random holiday decorations.  He kind of has a T-Rex thing going with his arms.

It measures 14" tall by 8 1/2" wide at his hands.  The back is clear and would have displayed whatever candy he contained, maybe something like candy corn.  Or possibly Flavour Candy Co.'s most popular (and America's flavourite) candy, "Chicken Bones".

 Image courtesy of Subversivecooking blog.

Try to get the term "luscious nutmeats" out of your head.  Go ahead, try.

Image courtesy of Google Books

"Chicken Bones" appear to have been similar to "Chic-O-Stix" which themselves are basically the filling to a Butterfinger candy bar.

The company also produced something called "Wisconsin Dairy Butters".

Image courtesy of Google Books

The company appears to have gone out of business by the 1990's.


  1. i'm having a hard time getting CHICKEN BONES out of my head. what marketing brainiac thought *that* was a good idea?? no wonder Chik-o-Stix won, even with their weird name.

  2. also, stumbled across this today at BoingBoing, and it's completely relevant to your interests...

    1. Wow! Very cool! Stay tuned for Monday's post for a few of my own.
