Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween -- It's My Bag, Baby

For several years, I've followed other blogs as they covered the great "Countdown to Halloween", watching from afar, always an outsider.  I thought, "I'm not worthy to belong to their exclusive club." But this year, I decided, darn it, I *AM* worthy!  I like Halloween as much as the next guy, in fact, I'd wager I like it a bit more than most.  So without hesitation, I boldly made my case with the blogmaster at,  demonstrating how I can contribute significantly to this splendid annual event.  Okay, actually all I had to do was send an email to him with my blog address.  All right, maybe it's not *that* exclusive.

I have been saving up Halloween-related items that I've found while out garage and estate saling this past year and it's finally time to show them.

My first offering is this Brach's Trick or  Treat bag.  It measures 12"x10"x5", not including the handle.  Not on scale with a pillow case, but  it would hold an admirable volume of candy.

It was made by the Duro Bag Manufacturing company who are still in business and are the largest paper bag manufacturer in the world.  Apparently, "Missy" is the model of bag.

Can you imagine a company today encouraging placing your child's name, address and phone number on something they were going to carry visibly in public?

And so goes my first "Countdown to Halloween" blog post.  I don't have enough to post every day and I'll certainly continue posting non-Halloween related items.  I'll probably dredge up a few posts from years gone by to supplement.  Their site assured me there were no rules to break, so I'm hoping they won't kick me out of the club.

Hope you enjoy my contributions and I'll see you sooooooooooon*.

*Spooky "O" elongation for effect.


  1. Awesome, glad to know you're stepping up on that countdown! I've also thought of doing it myself, but I have a hard enough time committing to my blog as it is, lol. Ah, good ol' Brachs. The stuff of dreams and "free" candy when I was growing up, haha =D

    Interesting, about the "name and address" thing. My dad had me write my name on practically everything I owned as a kid, and I had to memorize my address by the time I was 6-7 yrs. old, if I remember right.

    So I tried doing the same thing with my boy (who's 8 yrs. old now), but part of me hesitated for some reason, while I was having him recite his address and phone number over and over. But why??

    1. Thanks, Narvo. I remember when they first started having those public service announcements advising you not to put your child's name on their clothes for fear someone would lure them on the premise they knew them. We definitely lived on that edge from then to now.

  2. So glad you are taking part! And I love the vintage bag, so cool! Here's to a great October!

  3. you've posted a lot of halloween stuff over the years, so surely it's ok to repeat some items for new readers to take up some slack? looking forward to this month of posts!

    1. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be dredging up past posts before too long. But I don't have a problem with that. Kind of fun revisiting them.

  4. Just found you via Countdown! Looking forward to all of your goodies!

    1. Thanks Faith! Glad to have another reader. The more the merrier!

  5. You are definitely worthy, sir. Love the vintage Halloween decor.

    1. Thanks, 2w2n. Just checking out your blog. Man, I slack off a few days and I'm behind like 5 posts already! You're a machine!

  6. From a fellow first-time Cryptkeeper, here's to a fun October - and hopefully a lot of new followers!


    1. Thanks, Richard, I'll be sure to check out your blog as well. I'm slowly moving my way through the other Cryptkeeper blogs. They're all so interesting, it's slow moving to the next in line!

  7. Welcome aboard, you're in great company in the Countdown!

  8. That cat was also seen on Jim's car he drag raced with in an episode of Adam-12. I wonder from when/where/who it originated.

    1. Wow, good eye, Armpit! That's a good question. I've also seen it on on an unbranded Trick or Treat bag, seen held here by Yvonne "Batgirl" Craig.
