Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Post-mortem

Well, I survived the Countdown to Halloween.  I didn't think I'd have enough material, but I actually had more than enough.  43 posts in 31 days.  Whether it was all worthy remains a matter of opinion.

I gained 7 followers (and I thank you all) and discovered some new blogs to follow myself.  I also gathered my highest number of hits in a month since I've been writing this blog.  I came just short of 5,000 hits which I'm sure is a mere pittance compared to others out there, but it's about 2,000 over my average tally.

My posts will be slowing down now as I return to normal, particularly with the waning of the garage sale season (even though I manged to hit one today.  Didn't find anything.).  But stick around for the Christmas season as I unveil the past year's Christmas finds (and there a lot of them).

For now, I'll leave you with a final Halloween image.  From the November 1969 issue of Family Circle I give you "Apple Uglies".  Thank you and good night.


  1. congratulations on the successful month! this recipe reminds me that i used to really like those black huckleberry-type candies they used on the eyes in the photo. can you still get them, i wonder? i'll need to do some investigation.

    1. I've neer heard of huckleberry candies. Sounds like something grandma would have had.

  2. Hey Tom congrats hope you had as much fun as I did. I always look forward to this time of the year for my blog. Your blog made me smile this season I really enjoyed stopping by, Can't wait to see your post's for Christmas.

    1. Thanks Bob, I enjoyed yours as well. I'll keep coming back.

  3. Congrats and thanks for the great posts!

    1. Thanks Joe. It was a challenge to keep them coming. Not content wise, I certainly had plenty of material. Just putting the posts together and saying something mildly interesting about them (okay, even "mildly" might be a little strong).

  4. Just getting round to reading everyone's blogs now after spending so long trying to get mine done! Glad to hear you've had a successful month..that's whats so great about the Countdown! Making all these new connections and finding new blogs to follow... :)

    Oh yeah, I just followed you too by the way! ;)

    1. Yay, post-Halloween followers! Thanks Ewen!

  5. Well done, Tom! If I hadn't been so busy getting a couple of interviews up, I would have linked to a number of your posts (that I'm just now catching up on). Great stuff, as usual. And I envy your decor.

    1. Thanks, 2w2n. I appreciate the traffic from your site.
