Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Made in Hong Kong

Most collectors tend to turn their collective noses up at Christmas decorations made in Hong Kong during the 1970's.  These would have been found for sale in Woolworth's and other dime and drug stores.  Granted the quality and detail are lacking compared to their Japanese counterparts from the 1960's, but I never pass them up, especially since they're rarely priced over a dollar at sales and usually even less.  Here are few decorations made in Hong Kong I've picked up in the past couple years.  You may have seen some of these in the Posts of Christmas Past.

My wife and I found this tree among some other Christmas items we purchased.  It was undecorated and frankly resembled Charlie Brown's tree, but she used period ornaments we collected from other sales and I think it turned out great, particularly wrapped in the homemade "Joy" Christmas skirt we found at yet another garage sale.

 This nativity was in pieces when I found it.  I glued it back together and replaced Mary's broken halo with a spray-painted gold metal washer.  I hope that's not sacrilegious.

There is hope for the collectibility of these pieces.  A quick search on eBay of sold pieces shows they typically sell in the $10 to $20 range.


  1. You've decked the halls beautifully.

  2. Well, thank you very much, Lady M.

  3. I love all of your pieces and I wouldn't have passed them up, either. The first picture there, my grandmother had that Santa and sleigh and would put it out every year. I think my mother had it after but no clue where it ended up finally. Good memory.

    1. Sorry to hear you lost track of that piece, Joe. It's funny the things we recall from our childhood that stick with us. I often ask my mother "whatever happened to" some piece I recall and she doesn't even remember it.
