Thursday, January 1, 2015

Merry Mork, Robin, Wherever You Are

I found this December 1979 issue of McCall's magazine today while going through some storage tubs (it's purging time here in Garage Salin' land) and though the holidays are over, it seemed too appropriate to post now and not wait another year.  It features Robin Williams on the cover and a nice article inside.  There's also a portion of the script from the "Mork & Mindy" Christmas episode from that year.

Maybe the posting of this article after Christmas is appropriate; to encourage that spirit year round.

Mindy: It's a time when you open up your heart to your fellowman. 
Mork: Oh, I see. For a few short weeks each year, humans try to act human.  
Mindy (offended): Well, it's a start. 
Mork: And a darn good one. Hang in there.

 Let's try to act human throughout 2015 and hang in there.

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