Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Foolishness

In the spirit of April Fools' Day, I thought I'd post a couple of gag related items I picked up this past year.

First up is "Talking Toilet" from 1971.

Surprisingly, it's made in Japan.  Most of this kind of product was coming from Hong Kong by the 1970's.

A hose connected to the box runs to a small compression bulb which is placed under the toilet seat. When the hapless victim sits down on the seat, the bulb forces air into the box which triggers the switch to begin playing. Inside is a tiny record (Remember those?  Hey,this is 1970's technology, no sound chips!) that plays a few seconds of recording.  You can listen here (if you dare).

Next up is a classic: the bending fork.

Setting on the table, it appears to be a normal fork.  But when the intended victim picks it up to use:

Laughter ensues.


  1. man, that talking toilet recording is TERRIBLE. i can barely understand a word. it looks and sounds like the "bag of laughs" you could also buy around the same time. the unit just came in a cloth drawstring bag, and when you pressed the button it laughed. ahh, the 70s -- our needs were simpler then.

    1. > it looks and sounds like the "bag of laughs" you could also buy around the same time.
      I thought the same thing. I imagine they were the same thing with just a different record inside.
