Monday, June 29, 2015

Super Toe

I was never a sports fan growing up, but I still thought "Super Toe" was a pretty cool toy.  I found one minus all of his accessories (not even a football!) at a sale recently.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sunset, August 1959

With Summer upon us (at least in the Northern hemisphere.  Do they still call it summer in the Southern hemisphere?  I'm too lazy to Google it) I thought you might enjoy this August 1959 issue of Sunset, the Magazine of Western Living.  It's the special "Art of Camp Cookery" issue plus plenty of vintage ads.  Bon Appetit!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Toast

Ever wish to be the perfect host?  Ever find yourself looking for the right thing to say as you raise your glass?  Want to impress the ladies?  This brochure has all the answers.

Wayward Angel

Despite being an American author, Verne Chute doesn't rank an English Wikipedia entry, but scores with the French.  From the translated French wiki page (which translates his last name to "Fall"): 
"He tries to seduce the strengths of the mystery while cleverly playing with the tricks of the thriller."

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What was on TV June 7th through 13th, 1980

After a long absence, TV Guide returns.  Literally.  This is a reblog.  But, there are new scans and content, so enjoy.

We return to television past once again.  This time it's a trip back to 1980.  Humorous assists from friend John once again.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Six Flags Over Mid America 1971

I found this inaugural year map from Six Flags Over Mid America at an estate sale about a month ago.  From 1971, it barely resembles today's thrill-ride-choked park.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Great Voodini

I've written before about my fascination with magic sets. I found this Transogram Voodini set at an estate sale last week.  It was mixed in with a Marshall Brodien magic set.  It dates from 1959.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Spartus Camera

I bought this Spartus camera at the Megehee estate sale for $1.  It was a little dirty and rusty.  It dates from the 1940's or '50's.

T'aint Funny, Megehee

After a long dry spell, I return today with some postcards I bought at the estate sale of Jesse Megehee Jr. a few weeks ago.  These postcards were sent to his father Jesse Sr. around the turn of the century. Jesse Sr. resided in Picayune, Mississipi, just north of the Mississipi River Delta and was born in 1892.  Some of the writing is difficult to read, so I've transcribed below each card.

A Glad Thanksgiving