Monday, June 29, 2015

Super Toe

I was never a sports fan growing up, but I still thought "Super Toe" was a pretty cool toy.  I found one minus all of his accessories (not even a football!) at a sale recently.

The idea was to place the football in the indentation on the base and slam down on his head causing his leg to kick.

Give me something to kick!

"Super Toe" debuted in 1975 and was expanded upon a few years later with the "Super Jock" line introducing basketball and baseball to the lineup.

It looks like his face was redesigned to look a little meaner in the Super Jock line.

Super Toe was made by Schaper Toys which was started by a Minnesota postal worker in 1949 who found success marketing a game of his own invention called "Cootie".  Other games of fame include "Ants in the Pants" and "Don't Break the Ice".  Schaper was acquired by Tyco in 1986.

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