Friday, August 21, 2015

A New World

Another find from the great 10 cent comic book garage sale is this copy of "Hal Lindsey's There's a New World Coming".  It's the comic book telling of the Book of Revelations, just right for terrifying kids into religion. Authored by Christian evangelist Lindsey and illustrated by former Marvel and Archie artist Al Hartley, it was published in 1973 by Spire Christian Comics, a publishing company started by Hartley.  Spire also licensed the rights to the Archie characters for other Christian-based comics.  Hartley did art for Marvel's sister company's men's magazine "The Adventures of Pussycat". Although he gave up the work after becoming a born again Christian in 1967, his "Good Girl" style of comic art is evident throughout this comic.

I refuse to believe there wasn't some tittering in the office when that line was written.


  1. I dig that add I would love to find a Tom Landry and the Dallas Cowboys comic!

    1. Admit it Bob, you're a little curious about Archie's Love Scene too.

  2. wow, everyone who gets sucked into heaven is white, and all the women are young and have perfect bodies and boobs... actually, almost everyone in the entire comic is white... even the prophets, the arabic, israeli, and the godless chinese (also, jesus is a stone cold FOX)...

    i really dig all the great 70s outfits, though... and how about that line, "an offer you can't refuse... COME!" holy cats the double entendres in this are amazing.

  3. Thank you for posting this! The Rapture is so groovy!

    1. It almost makes you wish for the end of times!

  4. Why was everyone shouting? Reading this gave me a headache.
