Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The (Not So Much of a) Mystery Game Find

I found these two game pieces in a box of miscellaneous toys I bought at an estate sale last weekend.

Given the black cat and the haunted shipwreck, I knew it had to be some kind of "ghost" or "haunted house" game.

I hit it on my first Google search.

"Green Ghost" was released by Transogram in 1965 and marketed itself as the first game you could play in the dark.

The board was made of glow in the dark phospors.

I never knew about "Green Ghost" until a few years ago, but it reminds me a lot of one of my favorite games, "Which Witch".  "Green Ghost" has quite the following and can garner a good deal of money on eBay.  In 1997, the then newly re-launched Marx company issued an anniversary edition of the game which can be identified by both the Marx branding and different verbiage on the box cover.


  1. i've never heard of this game before. a game made to play in the dark? brilliant! i hope whoever thought of it got a raise.

  2. I don't remember Green Ghost but I sure remember Ghoulish Gerdy dropped it down the chimney!

  3. I have this game we picked it up at a yard sale still have not played it.

    1. Wow! What a great find for a yard sale! I've never seen one in person anywhere.
