Friday, November 27, 2015

Fifteen Minutes

Back in October, I was contacted by the associate producer of a History Channel special being aired this month called "Christmas through the Decades".  She had seen a home movie I had posted on Youtube of my family on Christmas Eve of 1976 featuring my mom and I playing with the Stretch Armstrong I'd received that evening (we always opened our presents on Christmas Eve).

I had originally posted the film to share with my family and with Brian over at PlaidStallions who has an affinity for Stretch.  The associate producer of the show wanted to use it in their Toys of the '70's section of the special.  She also asked about the photo I had shared with Brian of that same night showing my brother playing with Stretch (everyone wanted to play with him that night!).

I gave my permission.  It remains to be seen if it will be used or end up on the editing room floor. The 1970's portion of the series airs Wednesday, December 2nd.

So what is this?  Just a piece of self-promotion? Hey, look at me?  No.  Okay, maybe a little.  You have to admit it's kinda cool.  But there is a garage sale connection, believe it or not.

Over the years, I've come across my blog images used by other blogs or posted in various groups on Facebook.  Sometimes they give credit (much appreciated), sometimes they don't, which doesn't really bother me either.  I know some blogs like to watermark their images, but frankly, I don't want to mar the vintage ads I scan.  To me, they're works of art.

So while watching the first episode of "Christmas through the Decades: The 60's", I was surprised to see one of my vintage ads on the screen.

I had originally posted the picture on my blog back in December of 2013.  It was from the December 1966 issue of Family Circle.

I knew they had used my scan because of the creases that are visible in the upper left corner.

Andy Warhol coined the phrase "15 minutes of fame".  I think he'd appreciate that mine came from a Lipton's Onion Soup ad.


  1. Gotta love stretch Armstrong - he was a lot of fun - very tactile. This movie says a lot about the seventies - long hair, funky clothes and cigarettes.

    1. >This movie says a lot about the seventies - long hair, funky clothes and cigarettes.
      Lady M, if you watch the other movies from that same night that I posted, you'll even get to see some disco dancing.

  2. Congrats! I remember playing with a Stretch, too. Not sure who had it. But hey, enjoy the moment! And the pic of you and your brother is sweet!

    1. "Sweet" as in cute or "sweet" as in that awesome shirt he's wearing? :)

    2. LOL - Well, the shirt is definitely something. I meant sweet as in awesome or wicked cool.
