Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Post-mortem and Why I Blog

Well, another Halloween has come and passed and my second year of participation in the Countdown to Halloween has concluded.  And while I gained a few followers (I thank all 3 of you) and set an a new personal record of monthly viewings for my blog at nearly 7,500 hits (a paltry sum compared to other blogs, I’m certain), I sometimes wonder if it’s worth the effort.  I put a lot of effort and time into scanning, researching, and coming up with a readable post.  Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t an announcement that I’m quitting the blogging business, although it seems a lot of others have, moving to the bluer pastures of Facebook. I’ve toyed with the idea of a Garage Sales FB page, but it would simply be a redirect back to my blog and frankly, I have enough trouble keeping up with the blog. I’d like to think other people enjoy what I write about, but I’ll admit, my blog covers a wide range of topics and items whose only common theme is that I found them at an estate or  garage sale and I like them. Like my banner says, "Profiling garage sale treasures and sometimes trash".  Looking at my stats, the vast majority of people stumble onto my blog searching Google.

I must admit, having "hubba hubba hiney" lead to my blog is somewhat satisfying

So if it isn't a legion of fans that keeps me blogging, why do I keep it up?  When I began this blog, I'd been garage saling in silence for 30 years.  One day, I realized I was running out of room and I knew I had to let some stuff go.  I was on the verge of becoming a hoarder and I’d seen enough episodes of “Hoarders” to know that lifestyle doesn’t end well.  So, I found that if I took a few pictures and wrote some words about an item, it was that much easier to let it go.  It was cathartic.  And hey, if I was going to do that, why not post them on the internet? My final motivation was preservation, be it preservation of a yogurt ad from 1960, memory book scribblings from the 1880’s, Valentines sent to a young girl in the 1930’s, the too-short career of a 1940’s nightclub singer or 35mm slides of a swinging 1960’s party in someone’s basement.  I’m sure there’s a psychological diagnosis for it, but I don’t want these things to be forgotten.  I feel like I’m saving them for future generations.  Crazy as it sounds, I imagine some day an internet archeologist will be sifting through the remains of long-forgotten disc platters and will discover what the label from a 1930’s can of LaChoy bean sprouts looked like…and will thank the long-gone person who posted it.  Internet immortality.

So yes, I’ll continue to blog.  If you’re a regular, I thank you again and hope I bring you some amusement.  If you just stumbled onto my blog, I thank you as well and invite you to stick around. You never know what I’m going to post around here.


  1. i'm just one regular, but i am glad you do it. you find amazing things, do hours of research and prep, and i love and appreciate it all.

    1. Thanks Frank! I knew somebody appreciated it!

  2. Good enough for me! As long as YOU are enjoying it, that is all that matters. :)

    1. Definitely, Joe. I almost always learn something myself when I'm writing these blogs. That keeps things interesting.

  3. Phew - you had me going there for a minute - I thought you were throwing in the towel. I enjoy your blog very much. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks, Lady M. I'm really glad to hear that. That kind of encouragement will keep me going.

  4. I check you out every day! I have a podcast that has maybe 40 listeners per episode, but I keep making em, because I love to do it. So your "paltry" numbers way outshine mine.

    1. Thanks for dropping a line, Gordo! Good to hear from someone new. I'll definitely check out your blog and podcast. If you love what you do, then anyone else that enjoys it too is a bonus!

  5. Yeah, I feel the same way some days! It has taken me all of the six years of blogging to see an increase of followers and views. But I do it for the sheer enjoyment as well. It's kind of my way to relax. I escape for the 20 minutes to write my post and an hour to check out my blog buddies!

    I hate facebook so I stay away from that mess! Anyway keep up the good work I have fun visiting your site and would miss it if it was gone.

  6. Thanks, Bob. Yes, it is an escape for me as well. My wife doesn't get it, but tolerates it (to a certain extent). Glad you enjoy the site, as I enjoy yours. I'm always sure to check your blog to see what's going on and what's coming up on Svengoolie!

  7. Your blog is essential reading, as far as I’m concerned. That’s why I steal so much from it! The work you put into it is deeply appreciated, and I hope you stop doing it the second it becomes not fun. I think that’s the promise we all have to make to ourselves…

    Facebook would get you more exposure, but it does take time and a lot of tweaking.

    1. Thanks, 2W2N, but don't consider it stealing. Consider it spreading the fun! Thanks for the words.

  8. Like others you had me thinking you were pulling the plug. Love the blog and you have inspired me to get out there to the estate sales and try to save and preserve our Americana roots.

    1. Thanks, DatedGamer! I'd love to hear about your finds. Man, you people are really coming out of the woodwork. I really appreciate it! Love hearing from everyone.
