Saturday, November 14, 2015

What was on TV November 14th through 20th, 1981

It's time for more retro TV. Loretta Lynn graces our cover from November 14th through 20th, 1981. 

By 1981 Virginia Slims had moved away from ads depicting the cold-blooded murder of female smokers to just showing them being demeaned.

Pac Man did make it to Atari and I can still hear that strange "bonk" sound as the pellets were devoured. At least Missle Command and Asteroids kind of resembled the arcade versions.

I think the figure on the top of the ad is recoiling from Mel Brooks about to kiss Madeline Kahn.

Hey, KSDK, I don't think showing what amounts to a two hour commercial for Coca-Cola counts as "pride."

I can't believe Youtube doesn't have "The Steeler and the Pittsburgh Kid".  You'll have to be satisified with the original commercial.

Danielle Brisbois kind of looks like Miss Lippy from "Billy Madison" here.  Keep the glue away from her.

The marriage of "Luke & Laura" on General Hospital was the biggest soap opera viewing event in history with 30 million viewers tuning in.  Frankly, his hair always kind of creeped me out.

Half of Merv's guests that week were coked to the gills. I'm not saying which three though. There is a gimme, though. Yep...Ed Asner.

How many performers does it take to ruin one of the greatest albums of all time?  Darn it, they gave the answer away above.

I'm not sure if NBC scheduled George Burns' Christmas show "Early, Early, Early" because they were saving the closer-to-Christmas airing blocks for shows they thought would get better ratings or because they didn't think George Burns would make it until then.

Thanks to Bob over at The Man Cave for alerting me that this special was on Youtube.  Of course it is.

The bad drawing of Danny Kaye that makes him look kind of like Jack Klugman is going to smite the Nazis with the power of his pinkie ring!

Yep, the ventriloquist dummy will "seem" to talk, sing and laugh until it comes to life to steal your soul!

I don't remember Ultra Quiz. It was about 20 years ahead of its time.

Olivia Walton, I mean, Nurse Mary is too serious to give the OK sign like the other stars of CBS. Badly permed Robert Reed agrees.

That's kind of harsh.  I don't think anyone hated Vincent Price.  Sure, he tied up the Brady Boys in a cave and was going to leave them to die, but he had his motivations.

"Guich Koock" wins the award for strangest name of 1981.

See! Dramas on CBS are very serious and don't deserve the OK sign.

Part of desperately wants to believe that there was serious trash talk going on at the Battle of the Network Stars. "And stay down Mr. Kotter!" "How does this volleyball taste Chachi?"

I mentioned this last year, but that Ghost of Future still looks like a Jawa to me.

I think it's the look, not the taste that drives you on a diet.  One look at that and you'll forget about eating it.

Again, I know I mentioned this last year, but I still want to know why that reindeer has a nipple and a belly button.  I'm just thankful the handle of that mail cart is blocking his nether regions.

The technology may not have been as advanced, but it sure looked a lot cooler than the drab black of our modern electronics.

It's a good thing you saved on the long distance, because you'll be paying a lot for the years of therapy this will require.

That's all for now. Join us again next time for What was on TV.


  1. Memories. That Maggie show starred the lady who played Cousin Catherine in the Vacation films. Who knew? I was one of them watching Luke and Laura's wedding. Big doings back then! As for the weird USPS Reindeer ad... If you count them, there are 10 reindeer in the picture. Santa had eight reindeer, add in Rudolph and you get 9. I am guessing this is some North Pole outsider trying to sneak his way into Santa's hidden domain dressed as a reindeer.

    1. That's a good observation, Joe. Clearly, some sort of North Pole subterfuge is at hand.

  2. Tom, I just love these post's! The George Burns early early early Christmas special caught my eye, and guess what the powers of YouTube have made it easy for us to sit back and watch it today! No, really I'm going to watch it soon I do not remember this special at all. Anyway the FotoMat VHS add was neat I forgot all about those FotoMat stores. Thanks again for the work you put into these!

    Here is the link to the show

    1. Awsome! Thanks for the link to the show, Bob! Why didn't I think to look? I'll be watching it too. You're welcome for the post. It is a lot of work, but I enjoy it. Great to reminisce.
