Monday, December 7, 2015

Santa and his Elves

I found these pieces in a dollar box of Christmas ornaments at an estate sale this summer.  When I took them to the register to pay, the estate sale manager was visibly angry that she'd missed them and wanted to charge more for them.  I think she ended up tacking on 50 cents just so she could feel better.

Santa and the elf here are separate pieces that I thought would look cute staged this way, but given the look on Santa's face, maybe not such a good idea.

And finally, this little elf almost looks like a devil. Maybe he's one of Krampus' helpers.


  1. yes, that first piece definitely could be viewed in at least two ways. #heavens

  2. Perhaps that little elf just cut a heinous fart in Santa's face?

    1. poor thing, who can blame them? santa only feeds them candy canes, cookies, and milk. maybe they are lactose intolerant.

  3. 1. That is a naughty arrangement, indeed.
    2. Great find!
    3. Tough tacks for the sale manager. That's supposed to be the whole point, anyway ... finding the cool stuff that has been undervalued. And, honestly, if I was running a sale, I'd be OK with it, because it ends up as a "loss leader" that encourages future prospective buyers.

    1. 1. Agreed
      2. Agreed
      3. Agreed. This particular sales manage is kind of like that. I generally avoid her sales for that reason.

  4. 1. That is a naughty arrangement, indeed.
    2. Great find!
    3. Tough tacks for the sale manager. That's supposed to be the whole point, anyway ... finding the cool stuff that has been undervalued. And, honestly, if I was running a sale, I'd be OK with it, because it ends up as a "loss leader" that encourages future prospective buyers.
