Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reflections on the New Year

Long time reader and longer time friend FrankO was in town for the New Year (and a wedding) and we ended up meeting for breakfast New Year's Day morning.  After breakfast, we looked for something else to do, but being New Year's Day, not much was open.  I did find there was a sole estate sale open and it was only a few miles away, so we headed over to it (taking the "scenic" route as I made a wrong turn).  The sale turned out to be one of those where you worry about your health as you look through the dust- and mold-encrusted finds.  But I did manage to find a mirror hanging in the living room that fulfilled a need (and a space) my wife had been looking to fill.

It's probably vintage 30's or 40's and has a beveled edge.  Sorry for the lousy picture; there just isn't a decent way to photograph a mirror.  At least I made sure I was dressed when I photographed it!


  1. oh wow, my visit warranted a post! what an honor! you neglected to mention that the mirror was a serious score at $5. it's definitely old, and very thick. that house was definitely a warning about hording and at least a vivid reminder to clean and purge stuff once in awhile.

    1. It was a steal at $5. And yes, estate sales actually have had a positive effect on me and stopped my decent into hordedom.
