Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Take the Last Skylift to Clarksville

More from my big ephemera find of this past weekend. 

"Visit the old Chinese laundry" guaranteed full of stereotypical laughs.  "Mystery House": It seems like these gravity houses were all the rage of the 50's and 60's.  I've seen numerous examples from these brochures over the years.  More on that in a later post.

"Live bears grazing on top of Lookout Point".  I guarantee they were in cages.  Black Bears were "extirpated" (Missouri Department of Conservation's word, not mine) by the 1950's.  They've only recently begun to return with sightings in southern parts of Missouri.

A website that looks like it was designed with Microsoft Front Page in 1997 promises though the ride isn't open, it soon will be and will be worth the wait.  This local news story from last year may indicate further delay.


  1. I love seeing all these old items. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. If you like these old brochures, click on the "ephemera" category to the right of my page for a whole bunch more. Thanks for visiting.

    2. Great, thanks a lot, Tom! I also see mid-century and other topics of interest. Wow! :) I am following you now.

    3. Whoo hoo! I love new followers! I'm seriously lacking in them.

    4. I, too, love new followers, it is so nice to see that people appreciate and enjoy our blogs. :)
