Friday, May 6, 2016


I have to admit, one of my reasons (not the driving one, mind you) for going to garage and estate sales is to flip items for a profit.  I don't make a lot of money, but I at least cover my costs and fund future trips.  So that's what I had in mind when I found this vintage 1964 Kenner Easy-Bake Oven a few months back.

However, my daughter had other ideas.  She fell in love with it and insisted it was hers.


**UPDATE**  Due to overwhelming demand (2 people asked me), I'll give my review of the results.

All treats were made from scratch using the original cook book included with the oven.

The dish on the left is supposed to be chocolate chip cookies.  They turned out more like chocolate chip pancakes.  They were okay, but not something I'd seek out.

The middle dish I thought was the best.  It was a graham-cracker based brownie with chocolate icing. Very good and I would eat that anytime.

The final dish was a triple chocolate cake. It tasted pretty good, but a little dry.

**UPDATE #2** Due to overwhelming demand (1 person asked me), below is the recipe book and baking book that came with this set.


  1. Now, wait a minute you did not tell us how it tasted!! We all want a food review!

  2. so, is that one of the recipes from the cookbook? how did it taste? that looks to be a 60s one, i guess?

    1. Yes, they were all from scratch recipes from the book that came with it. The oven is from 1964. Due to overwhelming demand (2 people), I'll add a review of how it tasted.

    2. if you could list the ingredients, too, that would be awesome. but it's ok to say no if you think that's asking too much : )

      it's been an awfully long time since i had one and used it, so i can't recall if there are things like eggs in it, which i doubt. i actually thought it came with little pre-mix packets, like store-bought cake mixes do, but maybe i'm mis-remembering and you had to ask your mom to get the ingredients together for you.

    3. >if you could list the ingredients, too, that would be awesome
      Actually, it was my intent to scan the recipes and post, but I got lazy. I will get them posted.
      >i actually thought it came with little pre-mix packets
      Not sure about early days, but the later years did. You can still buy the pre-mixed packets. No eggs in the recipes we made from what I recall.

    4. i wonder if the pre-mix packets had dehydrated eggs in it. who knows.

  3. wow - glad she was not baking with mixes from the 1960s - they might have tasted a little stale.

    1. If there had been some old mixes in there, I think I would have been tempted to try them, just for scientific reasons.

    2. yeah, i'd be curious enough to take a nibble. what could go wrong?
