Monday, August 22, 2016

Only You Part Deux

There's a house on my usual garage sale route that stands out because of the antique cast iron fire call box posts that stand in the driveway.  I've always assumed a fireman lived there who collected fire related items.  Last weekend, they were having a garage sale.

His garage looked like a museum dedicated to the history of fire fighting.  I asked him if he was a fireman and he said he wasn't, just collected it.  His prices for the most part were retail plus, so I didn't pick up much.  I did walk away with this metal Smokey the Bear button.  It probably dates from the 1960's or '70's.

It's a nice companion piece to the card I found a while back.

I also bought this little stamped tin fireman that appears to belong to a tin toy, possibly a fire engine or maybe he was attached to a ladder.  He measures just over 3" long.

But those weren't the best things I found at that sale.  You'll have to wait for that on a later post.

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