Saturday, August 6, 2016

What was on TV August 1st through 7th, 1981

This week's TV Guide from 1981 features the Pork Diva herself, Miss Piggy.  What really makes this cover is Kermit relaxing waaaay in the background with his foot dangling in the water.  Genius.

Pay TV won! PAY TV! PAY TV!

An unsigned Edward Gorey illustration.

A little advice.  If you're going motorcycling, it's a good idea to wear a helmet.  But it's an even better idea to wear more than your briefs.

Virginia Slims was coming to the end of their classic turn-of-the-century gag ad campaign.  One of these days I need to do a post devoted to them.

Cable will see your one hour newscasts and raise them to 24 hours!

Ma and Pa Kettle at Home? Two hours of elderly folk rocking on their porch?

Paul Newman sure looks a lot like Jack Palance in that ad and Julie Andrews looks even more like Burgess Meredith.  Wait a minute...   I wonder whose fault that was, TV Guide's or Channel 30.

The Venure ad above is the conclusive proof that the "Dorothy Hamill" 'do wasn't for everyone.

I recall watching this episode of WKRP which is entitled "Out to Lunch".  In one of serveral of the series' "very special episodes" Herb's lunchtime drinking, which he says he uses as a tool to close the deal, gets out of hand and he begins losing accounts.  The episode ends with Herb admitting he has a drinking problem and getting help.

The subject of the made-for-TV-movie "Seizure", Kathy Morris passed away in 1983.

Is that really a still from Circus World? Won't someone tell John Wayne he doesn't have to wear a cowboy hat in every movie?

The Krypton Factor sounds like an interstellar rip off of the X-Factor. But Simon Cowell is still way more loathesome than General Zod.

C'mon Sarah! To attach it to append. Append! One more word and the puzzle is solved!

I'd rather have the companion statue where the tiger rips into the butterfly. Red in tooth and claw people!

That's all for this week.  Tune in next time.


  1. Hmmm - underwear in "colors that demand attention" - what are these? Briefs for flashers?

  2. Knots Landing every Thursday night. That's where I was.

    1. Those "soaps" were for girlz. Although, looking at the line-up, I'm not sure what I would have been watching. Coming off of "Taxi", I probably just left it on "20/20". "I'm Hugh Downs...and I'm Barbara Walters...and this is 20/20."
