Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Flicker Eye Skeleton

Each year as Halloween draws near, I realize I still have an abundance of things to post and start throwing out random items.  This year is no diffferent.

This flicker-eyed skeleton is hollow blown plastic.  He measures 7" tall and is attached to a string. I have no idea of his age.  I have him hanging in front of my computer. When you turn him back and forth, his eyes appear to roll.


  1. the word of the day is: Lenticular!
    mmmm, i love lenticular stuff....

    1. I was always fascinated with lenticular things when I was a kid, both their effect and the sound of rubbing your finger nail across it.

    2. i've always wanted to have a project where i could make one. we went to an art show this past week where a friend of ours had some pieces in it that were lenticular skeletons (COINCIDENCE??) and i need to talk to her about where she got them made, because it's not something many printers can do.

    3. >a friend of ours had some pieces in it that were lenticular skeletons >(COINCIDENCE??
      I think not!
