Friday, October 7, 2016

Frankenstein or Bust!

When I found this mini-Frankenstein bust (I know, Frankenstein was the Doctor, he's Frankenstein's Monster, blah, blah blah. Hey, it's on the bust!) in a bag of miscellaneous toys last summer, I had no clue where it came from.

I thought it might be a Cracker Jack prize or possibly from a gumball capsule.

It snapped together and was hollow inside.

I posted it at the "Vintage Monster Toys" Facebook group and it was immediately identified as a cereal premium, specifically Post Super Sugar (YES! SUGAR!) Crisp from some time in the 1970's.

It was one of four. Of course it glowed in the dark.  EVERYTHING glowed in the dark in the 70's.


The golden age of cereal premiums is long gone. These days they might give you a code to enter at their corporate web site.  Booooooo, indeed!  Man, I miss the '70's.


  1. I remember those! And I also remember when it was called Super Sugar Crisp.

  2. I had those when I was a kid. Might still have some (or pieces) of them buried in a box of junk! :)

  3. I had a few of those! Loved Sugar Crisp ate it every day. But to find one now! I'm super jealous!!
